Explore the different types of fields available in Knack and learn when to use each one. Choosing the right field type helps you collect and display information exactly the way you need it.
Text Fields
Short Text
- Best for: Brief entries, titles, names
- Examples: Product name, Category, Title
Paragraph Text
- Best for: Longer descriptions, notes
- Examples: Comments, Meeting notes
Rich Text
- Best for: Formatted content
- Examples: Product descriptions, Articles
- Features: Text styling, lists, links
Text Formula
- Best for: Automated text combinations
- Examples: Full name from First + Last
- Features: Dynamic text generation
Numeric Fields
- Best for: Quantities, measurements
- Examples: Inventory count, Age
- Best for: Financial values
- Examples: Price, Budget amount
- Best for: Calculated values
- Examples: Total cost, Percentages, Discounts
Auto Increment
- Best for: Unique identifiers
- Examples: Order numbers, Ticket IDs
Summary Fields
- Best for: Calculations on connected tables
- Examples: Sum, Count, Min, Max, Average
Choice Fields
Multiple Choice
- Best for: Preset options
- Examples: Status, Size, Category
- Best for: Binary choices
- Examples: Active/Inactive, Complete/Incomplete
Date Fields
- Best for: Events, schedules
- Examples: Appointments, Deadlines
- Best for: Duration tracking
- Examples: Task time, Project length
File Fields
- Best for: Document attachments
- Examples: Contracts, Reports
- Best for: Visual content
- Examples: Product photos, Avatars
Personal Fields
- Best for: User references
- Examples: Assigned to, Created by
💡This is a multi-part type of field - there may be several columns when importing or exporting data.
- Best for: Contact information
- Features: Format validation
- Best for: Location data
- Features: Mapping support
💡This is a multi-part type of field - there may be several columns when importing or exporting data.
- Best for: Contact numbers
- Features: Format options
- Best for: Digital approvals
- Features: Capture signatures
Other Fields
- Best for: Scoring, feedback
- Examples: Product reviews, Satisfaction
- Best for: External references
- Examples: Website URLs, Resources
- Best for: Relating records
- Examples: Product to Category, Order to Customer
Tip: Choose field types based on data entry needs, display requirements, and reporting goals.
Common Questions
- Can I change a field type after creating it?
- Yes, but review the impact on existing data first.
- Can I make a field required?
- Yes, this option is available for all field types.
Next Steps
- Create your first field
- Learn about field settings and options
- Explore field rules and formulas