Numeric Equation Functions

This article will provide the numeric equation field functions available to use and their definitions.


  • The functions listed in this article are only available for equation fields. If you're looking for the functions available for text formula fields, see our article here.
  • The equation type must be set to "numeric" to use most of these functions.
  • Functions such as min and max can also be used in Date Equations.


Many regular math functions (such as "ceil" or "max") can be used in Knack numeric equations. Others, such as getDateDayOfMonth provide numeric values for a date.

Name Description

Example with Result


 Calculates the absolute value of a number

 abs(3.85) = 4


Calculate the cube root of a number

cbrt(27) = 3


Round a value up to the nearest integer

ceil(4.2) = 5


Calculate the cosine of a number

cos(2) = -0.4161468365471424


Compute the factorial of a number

factorial(5) = 120


 Round a value down to the nearest           integer 

  floor(2.8) = 2


Calculate the greatest common denominator of a comma-separated list of numbers

gcd(5, 25) = 5


Calculate the logarithm of a number. The first number is the value for which to calculate, the second is the base.

log(10,4) = 1.6609640474436813


Calculate a base 10 logarithm. Same as log(x, 10)

log10(4) = 0.6020599913279623


Get the maximum of a comma-separated list of values

max(1,6,9) = 9


Compute the mean of a list of values

mean(1,6,8) = 5


Compute the median of a list of values

median(8,9,1) = 8


Get the minimum of a list of values

min(43,100,3) = 3


Calculate the base to the exponent power

pow(7,2) = 49


Get a random number between two values

random(1,42) = 36.238172


Get a random integer within a specified range. Please note that the returned value can be inclusive of the first integer but exclusive of the second integer listed in the parentheses.

randomInt(1,42) = 36

(Possible values returned can be 1-41.)


 Rounds the first number to the   precision of the second number

round(5.5,3) = 6


Calculate the sign of a number: -1 if the number is less than 0, 1 if the number is greater than 0, 0 if the number is 0

sign(2) = 1


Calculate the sine of a number

sin(15) = 0.6502878401571168


Compute the standard deviation of a list of values

std(1,5,42,78) = 36.07861785970558


Calculate the square root of a number

sqrt(81) = 9


Compute the sum of a list of values

sum(1,42,56) = 99


Calculate the tangent of a number

tan(16) = 0.3006322420239034


Compute the variance of a list of values

var(1,42,34,67) = 742


Get the number of working/business days between two dates

netWorkDays(06/18/2018,06/27/2018) = 7

Note: The netWorkDays function calculates the total number of working days between two dates, considering only Monday to Friday.

If your dates include time, it does not take into account working hours (e.g. 9 am-5 pm). The function only will count for a full 24-hour day. 


The following examples use April 15, 2017, as the date:


Get the numeric day of the week from a Date (Sunday = 1)

getDateDayOfWeek({Date}) = 7


Get the numeric day of the month from a Date

getDateDayOfMonth({Date}) = 15


Get the numeric week of the year from a Date

getDateWeek({Date}) = 15


Get the numeric month from a Date

getDateMonth({Date}) = 4


Get the numeric quarter from a Date

getDateQuarter({Date}) = 2


Get the numeric year from a Date

getDateYear({Date}) = 2017