Improved Experience for Importing Data and Creating Tables

Creating tables and importing data will be more intuitive and less of a complex and time-consuming process with the new streamlined process.

Users can expect increased accuracy when importing data from .csv, Excel, or Google, especially for fields like date/time and addresses. A new dialog has been added to provide clearer insights by displaying the row number for any date/time fields that may not have been imported correctly.

We are incrementally launching this new experience for Knack users. 

For those who prefer to start with some fields already populated, it is now possible to create multiple pre-made tables simultaneously, reducing complexity and saving time while ensuring better data integrity.

These enhancements also extend to importing data into existing tables, making the process smoother and more efficient.

To import a file and create a new app, users can do so directly from the Dashboard or by clicking Add Table in the builder interface.


A single unified screen enables you to easily import files, begin with an empty table, or utilize our pre-made tables. This streamlined process allows you to select multiple pre-made tables to be created simultaneously, enhancing efficiency and convenience.


When uploading a file for import, you have the ability to modify the file name as needed. Table names are limited to 99 characters.


You can also select with tab to import from your spreadsheet.


Mapping columns in your spreadsheet to Knack's advanced column types, such as Person, Address, and Date/Time, has been simplified for an enhanced user experience.



Any date/time fields that were not successfully imported will be highlighted in the import notification for easy reference.
