Date Equation Settings

In this article, you can learn about Date Equation field settings.

Date equations can calculate dates and format results as date values or number values of seconds, hours, days, weeks, or years. 

To enable date calculations, update the “Equation Type” to “Date” in the field's settings. 

  • Equation Type: Defines the type of data the equation will be using, either numbers or dates.

  • Date Type: The date type is used to convert any number value in the equation to a time unit before being calculated. For example, if you selected hours and are adding 5 to a date field, you will be adding 5 hours.

  • Result Type: A Date Equation can return a result either as a Date or as a Number depending on what you choose for this option.


Note: Depending on your Result Type setting, different options exist for your results. See details below.


Result Type: Number

  • Decimals: Whether large numbers will be separated by commas, decimals, or nothing.

  • Decimal Places: The number of decimal places to include when displaying the number. This doesn't affect how the numbers are stored in the database, only how they are displayed. If the stored number has more decimal places than this option, then the displayed number will be rounded.

  • Rounding: Whether the number should be rounded up or down. If using the default setting, numbers ending in a number below 6 will round down, and anything else will round up.

  • Thousands: Whether commas will separate thousands in large numbers. For example, "80000" would display as "80,000".

  • Number Format: Options to format your number with currency letters or your own custom before and after the text.


Result Type: Date

  • Date Format: This determines how dates will be formatted. Here are examples for the date of July 4th, 2013:

    • mm/dd/yyyy: 07/04/2013

    • M D, yyyy: July 4th, 2013

    • dd/mm/yyyy: 04/07/2013

    • Ignore Date: no date will be displayed

  • Time Format: This determines how times will be formatted.

Tip: To learn about numeric equation settings, see this article here