Numeric Equation Settings

This article provides information on numeric equation field settings.


Numeric equations can perform calculations on field values, numbers, and other mathematical functions, while also providing the flexibility to format the results in a variety of number formats with decimals, rounding, currency, and more.

When the "Equation Type" is set to "Numeric" in the field's settings, the equation field recognizes the equation as a "numeric equation" and understands the type of data it will be working with.


Moving down in the field settings, you will come across the "Results Format" settings. This is where you have the opportunity to specify how you want your equation results to be presented.



Note: Result Format options in equation fields' settings such as decimals and rounding are for display only. For example, an equation that uses division will store all the extra decimals in the database, regardless of the Result Format settings applied. 

When using the roundceil, or floor function, the resulting value will be stored in the database. Using these functions is recommended for achieving accurate rounding in your equations.

Result Format Settings

  • Decimals: Specifies how large numbers will be separated, either by commas, decimals, or with no separation.

  • Decimal Places: When displaying the results of the numeric equation, you can choose how many decimal places to include. It's important to note that this setting only affects how the numbers are displayed, not how they are stored in the database.

    • If the stored number has more decimal places than what you specify, the displayed number will be rounded accordingly.

  • Rounding: You have the option to round the number either up or down. By default, numbers that end in a digit below 6 will be rounded down, while numbers that end in a digit 6 or above will be rounded up.

  • Thousands delimiter: To make large numbers easier to read, you can choose to separate them with commas. For instance, "80000" would be displayed as "80,000".

  • Number Format: You can format your number using currency symbols, percentages, or by personalizing the text that appears before and after the number.

Tip:  To learn about date equation settings, see our article here