Flows Billing, Add-Ons, & Transactions Overview

This article provides an overview of the billing structure, available Add-Ons, and Transactions associated with Flows.

This article contains the following sections:


What counts as a Flow Transaction?

When using Knack Flows, it's important to understand how Transactions are counted, as this affects your planned usage amount. Here’s a breakdown of what counts and what doesn’t:

  • Free Transactions: Every Knack account includes a set number of free Transactions per month, depending on your subscription plan. You can find the specific number for your plan below, and (coming soon) on our pricing page.
Plan Name Number of included monthly Transactions
Trial 100
Starter 350
Pro 750
Corporate 1,500
Plus 1 2,500
Plus 2 4,000
Plus 3 8,000
  • Triggers: Trigger steps, which start your flow (such as when a record is created), do not count toward your Transaction total. Trigger steps are free and unlimited! 😀
  • Action Steps: Only Action steps, like updating a record, sending an email, or searching for data, count toward your Transaction total.
  • Viewing Activity: You can monitor your activity usage through the "Flow Log" of a specific Flow, or across all your flows in the "History" tab.
    • This will include activity from both triggers (free and unlimited!) and actions which count towards your Transactions.

  • Viewing Transactions: To see the specific amount of Transactions you've used, go the "Analytics" tab within a flow, or click on the "Analytics" toggle within the overall History tab. 


Add-On Transaction Packs

If you exceed the number of free Transactions included with your plan, you can extend your usage with Add-On Transaction packs. These packs offer flexibility based on your needs:

  • 1,000 Transactions: $19 per month
  • 10,000 Transactions: $99 per month
  • 100,000 Transactions: $399 per month

Note: Starter (and Trial) plan accounts are not eligible for Add-On Transactions. The account must be upgraded to the Pro plan to purchase Add-On packs. See our pricing page here.

Add-On Transaction packs offer cost efficiency, especially when scaling up. For instance:

  • Upgrading from 1,000 to 10,000 Transactions gives you 10x more Transactions for only 5x the price.
  • Upgrading to 100,000 transactions increases your planned Transaction amount by 10x for only 4x the cost.

Key Points:

  • You can combine multiple packs for added flexibility.
  • Add-On packs apply for the current and future months unless manually removed.
  • You can remove any Add-On packs from the "Billing" tab in your Knack Dashboard before the next billing cycle starts. Removed packs remain active for the current billing period.


"Auto-increase" for Transactions

To ensure that your Flows continue running smoothly even if you surpass your planned Transaction amount, Knack offers an auto-increase feature:

  • How It Works: When your planned Transaction amount has reached 90%, Knack will automatically add 1,000 more Transactions to your account for $19.
  • Billing: The auto-increase charge applies for the remainder of your current billing cycle and will continue into subsequent months unless removed. Subsequent months will be charged on the date your overall Knack plan renews. 

Note: The Auto-increase feature is not available to Starter (and Trial) plan customers. To use this feature, your account must be upgraded to the Pro plan.


Monitoring Transaction Logs & Usage

Knack provides tools to help you stay on top of your Transaction usage:

  • Flow Logs: Within each Flow, you can access a detailed log showing which steps have fired and the status of each Transaction.
  • History tab > "Analytics" section : For a broader overview of all your apps and Flows, use the "History" tab in your Knack Dashboard, specifically the "Analytics" section. This shows a detailed breakdown of all Transactions.
    • You can filter by date, view total transaction counts, and track specific steps for more detailed insights.

Note: The "Analytics" section currently displays Transactions through the previous day. For real-time insights into how many Transactions you have remaining relative to your planned monthly Transactions, please go to the Knack Dashboard > Plans & Billing section.

  • Real-Time Monitoring: The Plans and Billing tab in your Knack Dashboard gives you a real-time view of your remaining Transactions, total planned Transactions, and any Add-On packs you’re currently using.


Additional Notes

When a Knack account owner upgrades from a Trial account to a paid plan that permits Add-On Transactions (specifically, the Pro plan or higher), a notification banner will appear at the top of their Knack Dashboard. This banner serves to inform users about the Auto-Increase Transactions feature being activated.