How do I freeze or pause my Knack account?

You can find information on how to freeze your Knack account here. 

If you ever need to temporarily put your account on hold, we've got you covered with our "freeze" option. This allows you to set your account on standby without losing any data, and all for a reduced price.

When you choose to freeze your account, you won't have access to the database/interface. However, don't worry! All your data and views will be safely stored and ready for you when you decide to reactivate your account. Please keep in mind that you can only use the freeze option once a year.

After your account is frozen, you will no longer have the ability to access your account dashboard or apps. To ensure access to your records or data, we strongly recommend exporting your data before proceeding with the account freeze.

​You can learn more about freezing your account here.

Note: For security reasons, we cannot freeze your account for you. You will need to do this from your Account Settings in the Knack Builder.