After you have added some pages, it’s time to view and share your live application!
This article covers the following topics:
How to View Your Live App
To view your live application, select a page on your page tree and then click "Go to Live App" at the top of the page. You can also click on the Preview button highlighted below to preview the current Builder page you are on:
Note: Every page will open with a unique URL. You can share these URLs with your users so that they can easily access your application.
How to Embed Your App
In addition to viewing your app using the provided URLs, you have the option to embed any page from your app into your website. To generate the embed code for your website, follow these simple steps:
Go to the App Settings.
Go to the Embed section.
Select the “Add New Embed Code” button.
Create your embed code by saving your selections and inputs in the following modal pop-up.
Copy and paste the embed code provided into your blog or website.
Your app will seamlessly blend with the colors and design of your site, creating a perfectly integrated look!
Tip: Learn more about embedding your app in this article here.
How the Page Menu Works
When you access your app, you will find a feature to display a global page menu. This menu is prominently located at the top of the app and provides convenient links to each start page.
To edit each start page and customize its appearance in the menu, access the page's settings in the Builder. From there, you can choose whether to include it in the menu and decide whether to display the entire menu when viewing that page.
You also have the option to customize the icon for each page, show a link to print the page, display the page in a modal popup, and modify the page name that appears in the URL.
Add Logins and User Permissions to Your Pages
User logins are utilized to restrict access to your pages. You have the ability to add a login to any page, requiring users to log in with their email and password or use Single Sign-On (SSO) before gaining access to that page.
User Roles are utilized to categorize and differentiate between various types of users. For instance, you can distinguish between a Manager and an Employee, or an Admin and a Client.
By incorporating logins into your pages and creating users who can log in, you have the ability to establish user permissions and distribute various pages of your app to different users.
Depending on whether or not you have already enabled users in your app, a modal popup will appear either giving you the option to activate user logins, select which users can access the page, or select to add a login view to a parent page if you don't currently have user role tables and only an Account table.
To log in, a user must have an account record in your database with an email and password. You can add these accounts directly in the database, or let users register right from your site.
Once you’ve shared the app URL, users can navigate to other pages with logins that also allow access to their assigned user roles using the global page menu (see above).
You can add views to show records specific to each logged-in user, such as creating a customer portal where each customer can view their invoices only.
The following are a few notes to remember:
If you have your app open while making changes in your Builder, simply refresh the live app to see those changes go live.
It is highly recommended to test the functionality of your live application during the development phase. By viewing your app as a user, you can ensure that you are making progress in the right direction and that your pages and views are properly set up.
Pages that are not protected by a login view can be accessed by anyone who knows the URL.
Tip: Up next, learn how to Do More With Knack.