About Payment Views

This article provides information about Knack's payment views, including how to effectively manage them, configure their settings, define rules, and information on processing payments.

This article covers the following topics:


What are payment views?

With E-Commerce enabled in your app and payment processors added, the final step is to add a payment view. The payment view includes options for calculating the total payment, displaying the payment summary, sending email receipts, and rules for updating other database records.

Tip: Check out the About E-commerce article to learn more about enabling e-commerce in your app.


Managing Payment Views

How to Add Payment Views to Your Pages

In order to be able to insert a payment view in your app, you must include a numeric field in your table. A numeric field is required to determine the amount that will be charged.

Numeric fields include any field that can be selected from the "Number" menu: 


Tip: Adding, editing, and deleting payment views behave very similarly to other views. To learn more on how to add, edit, and delete views from your app, see our article About Views

There are two methods to add a payment view to your page:
  • Select the "+ Add View" button and then select the option highlighted below under the "E-Commerce" section:
  • Once you have added a form view to a page, you can navigate to the view's Settings. Underneath the E-Commerce section, you will find the option to Add a Payment View as long as you have E-Commerce enabled in your app:


Note:  Payment views are separate from payment method views that allow users to save their payment method. To learn about payment method views, see our article here


Payment View Settings

The payment view offers a distinct set of features that are exclusive to this view. These features include additional settings, separate sections for payment summary and details, email receipts, and payment rules:



  • Payment Action: The Payment Action section will display the data source of your payment view. It also allows you to update the numeric field that will be used as the form’s payment total by selecting the "Change action" button.

  • Payment Processors: This section is where you will select the payment processor that your form will use. 

  • Test Mode: Every Payment Processor can be used in Test Mode. Stripe will store test customers in a separate section, so if you want to store real customer information, be sure to toggle test mode off.

Note: Since E-Commerce is only available on Pro plans and above, Starter plans will always have test mode for payment views enabled.

  • Payment Total Field: This is the field that will be used to determine the total for the transaction.

  • Description Field: Payment description that will be passed along to your payment processor. 

  • Currency: This is where you can choose a currency type for your payment form. 

  • Submit Payment Button Text: Here, you can set the display text of the button that submits payment information to your selected payment processor.


Payment Summary

This section allows you to add fields that should be included with the charge total, such as shipping or handling. These fields will be displayed with any payment details, and they are also an available placeholder in email rules.

If you wish to hide fields that have a blank value, select the checkbox for "Hide empty fields" as seen below:



Payment (Summary) Details

Payment Details provide information to the user before they're charged. This section will automatically contain your payment summary.

In this section, you have the flexibility to customize the checkout title, layout of the view's columns, checkout description, and include any additional details (fields) that you would like to display above the payment summary:




In the Email Rules section, you can control any emails sent after the payment is successfully submitted.


Note: The submitted payment method details are not available to be displayed in an email. See our page here to learn more about emailing your users.



Payment Actions

Payment actions work exactly like record actions in a form view. A great example of when to use a payment action is to update a field in the user’s record so you can tell who has yet to update their payment information.

To add a payment action, click on the "Add Rule" button in either the “Submit Actions” or “Record Actions” tab, then set your criteria:

Note: Payment actions will only trigger upon successful changes to the connected payment method. To learn more about submit actions and record actions, see our following pages:


Submit Actions

Submit actions allow you to determine where to direct the user after the form is submitted or can be used to show a confirmation message. There will always be a default submit action than cannot be deleted, but can be edited:


Tip: You can learn more about using submit actions here.



Record Actions

Record actions allow you to update or insert records after the payment is successfully processed. 


Tip: To learn more about using record actions, see our article here. 


Using the Payment View in Your App

Payment Processing

Once the user submits the payment form, a new Payment record will be created and automatically connected to the record from the original parent form.

Tip: Click here for more on managing payment records in your database.

Successful Payments

If a payment is successful, your user will be redirected to the completion page. At this time, any emails and payment rules you defined in the checkout view will trigger immediately.


When a payment error occurs, a new payment record connected to the payment view's record will be created with a "failed" status. A failed payment will not trigger any email/payment rules in the payment view.

The user will be alerted that an error occurred and will be able to fill out the form again and try submitting a successful payment:

image alt text


Note: More specific details about the error will be added to the default "Notes" field of the record found in the default Payments table.